Next: The mathematical problem
Up: A numerical Singular Perturbation
Previous: A numerical Singular Perturbation
In this website we propose a numerical problem and we collect some
referencer to results already obtained.
The problem and its analytical solution were described earlier in
the paper:
P.W. Hemker,
A singularly perturbed model problem for numerical computation.
J. Comp. Appl. Math. 76 (1996) 277-285.
( repository/docs/I/02/2193A.pdf )
Some earlier numerical solutions have been published by
- M.H. van Raalte,
Multigrid Analysis and Embedded Boundary Conditions for Discontinuous Galerkin Discretization.
Thesis University of Amsterdam, 2004.
( pieth/db/mhvraalte-thesis.pdf)
In particular Chapter 7: A feasibility study for DG
discretization with embedded Dirichlet boundary condition.
- R. Xiaoan and L. Xanthis
'Les fleurs du mal': an adaptive wavelet method of arbitrary lines I: convection-diffusion problems.
Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 332 (2004) 23-29.
- E.D. Havik, P.W. Hemker and W. Hoffmann,
Application of the Over-Set Grid Technique to a Model Singular Perturbation Problem.
Computing 65 (2000) pp. 339-356
( repository/docs/I/01/1155A.pdf )
- J. Noordmans and P.W. Hemker,
Application of an Adaptive Sparse Grid Technique to a Model Singular Perturbation Problem.
Computing 65 (2000) pp. 357-378
( repository/docs/I/01/1154A.pdf)
- P. Knobloch and L. Tobiska,
On bubble-based modifications of the nonconforming
P1 element for solving convection-diffusion equations, CD-Rom Proceedings of
ECCOMAS 2000 held in Barcelona, September 11-14, 2000,
(E. Onate, G. Bugeda and B. Suarez eds), FIB, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2000, 1-20.
- P.W. Hemker,
The numerical solution of a singular perturbation problem in the domain exterior of a circle.
Stichting Mathematisch Centrum. Numerieke Wiskunde, Report NW 11 (1974)
( db/all publications/9058)
On this website the numerical problem is described in detail. Further,
a suggestion is made on how to represent results,
with the aim to facilitate comparison
of the different methods.
However, particular methods may require different
ways for showing particular features.
The only strict requirement for submissions for the prize
that will be awarded during the BAIL 2008 Conference, is
that errors in the solution are measured by the
-norm !
Next: The mathematical problem
Up: A numerical Singular Perturbation
Previous: A numerical Singular Perturbation